Mold Allergies And Mold Remediation — What You Need To Know

Mold is a relatively common problem in structures of any size or type. Modern homes are particularly susceptible to mold due to their tight building envelopes. Although a tight structural envelope can help keep conditioned air in and reduce utility costs, it can also trap moisture inside. Leaks or issues with HVAC systems can raise indoor humidity levels, resulting in the perfect environment for mold growth.

While most homes will have at least some mold, more severe infestations can result in relatively severe or uncomfortable allergic reactions. Black mold (also known as "toxic mold") is a form of Stachybotrys mold that may be particularly likely to trigger allergies or have other more serious and long-term health effects.

Understanding Toxic Mold Allergies

Most people have relatively minor reactions to mold, often including various allergy-like symptoms. If your home has a serious mold problem, you may find time indoors extremely uncomfortable. Symptoms such as sneezing, running nose, and even wheezing or shortness of breath can result from toxic mold exposure.

If you suspect a mold problem in your home, your first step should be to work with a professional mold remediation company to inspect your home and test for excessive mold spores. Some molds may also produce volatile organic compounds (VOCs), creating unpleasant smells or triggering additional symptoms. An indoor air quality test will also detect these compounds.

You may also consider working with an allergist to test for severe mold allergies. Although you should remove toxic mold from your home even if you don't have a severe allergic reaction, scheduling an allergy test can help you understand if mold is the underlying source of your symptoms.

Remediating Toxic Mold Problems

If you're experiencing an allergic reaction to mold, you likely have a fairly large infestation. Unfortunately, mold rarely limits itself to highly visible areas. Even if you can see mold climbing on walls or forming under sinks, you may still have additional mold issues lurking behind walls or in other hidden locations. Hidden mold is particularly likely if your home recently suffered a flood or water damage.

In other words, cleaning mold damage is unlikely to resolve your allergy symptoms. The hidden mold colonies will continue to produce spores that can trigger allergic reactions. Your HVAC system can also blow spores around your home, making you sick even if mold grows in your basement, attic, or other areas you rarely enter.

A professional mold remediation company will help you locate and remove mold that you can see and also the mold lurking in less visible parts of your home. This thorough approach is necessary to both prevent future mold growth and ensure that your home no longer contains enough mold spores to trigger allergic symptoms. 

For more info about mold remediation, contact a local company. 

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